The researching activities has still made by specialist designer form all around the world about organic manure driers. Up till now implementation activities has being made on the basis on cuontries. Drier systems have couple title which are explained below according to theri importance and usage. Their names are seperators, pool systems, tunnel-band systems, vertical ovens and horizontal ovens.

The other driying systems have minimal usage areas and have higher costs. So they have not implemented in some facilities or any manure drying systemsç The detailed information about the dryers presented below;


The machine which is using for drying systems with seperator has helix leaves and has 350-400 mm dimensions on pipe tipe and it has 1500 mm lenght. The raw material wihich using this machine have to be liquit form with maximum %9 of solid percentage in it, like biogas systems.

This raw manterial reaches to the machines with the help of sludge pump. Then the liquit materials are filtered in the machine and sending to the special pools, solid parts of the raw material is fall off the system as completeley out of liquit form. The humidity percentage of the solid parts is aproximately %70. This solid part has not many quality as a manure. Its C/N ratio is very high. It has no speciality on its own.

Processed raw material's other output is the liquit materals. This material has many quality and sepeciality as a manure but it indicates many patogenic microorganisms. So some chemical materials have to be added in it. And this part has to be used very quicly without wasting time. This system usually used on the cattle farms after the drying pools process. The solid parts find some marketting areas like flower stores and landscaping stores. The liqut form of output is sending to the farms for manuring stages. two of the manures which helded from separators have poor market value.


The drying activities on pool system is the most in used system in Turkey. The pool's dimentions are 6000mm x 100000mm x 1200mm. The pool's capacity is very low. Because of the daily loading limit of wet manure is maximum 15 Ton's for per pool. This shows us one pool is enough for only 100,000 chicken.

The pool is producing from completely ferroconcrete. Usually two pool constructed as twins in the facility. The manure which putting in the pools on daily, mixed with a mixer once a day and the manures sihfted 2-3 meter forward. The reason of shifting activities is providing the microorganisms come together with the oxygen for fermentation.

In summer conditions air condiiton is efficiency and humidity ratio is suitable. The drying and fermentation processes are to be completed in 45 days. This system named as composting pool system. In winter condition humidiyt and temperature become not suitable for fermentation and drying on pool drying system. Because of the activities on the microorganisms are falling around zero and the system must be feed by a hot air conditioning system. othervise drying process stop.

Egg chicken and bat oriented manures drying process can made in this pool system. This system is not suitable for meat chivken and cattle oriented manure. It have to be closed area for preventing external influnece. the covered area has to be minimum 2000 squaremeter and building has 6 meter high from the ground. The system demand an air condition system and aspiration system.


This system usually used for drying the egg chicken manure. The system si placed next to the henhouse and in front of the discharging band. The name of the system is tunnel-band system because system has multi tunnels and bands inisde.

It is producing as a covered system with 8 floor of band, maximum 20 meter of lenght and 80 cm of widht. Maximum capacity of the sistem 3,5 Tons in a day. It means, the system is suitable for approximately 24,000 chickens. Dry air is continously added to the system by aspiration system. This system is suitable for hot air condition and the humidity of air level is very low. olarak 8 kat bant, 20 metre uzunluk ve 80 cm genislik seklinde kapali olarak üretilir.

The outputs of the system look like large pieces. The outputs are have to be processed form a breaker machine. The breaked products are packaging after the filtering process. There is no possibility to dealing with the patogenous microorganisms. The system has very disadvantages for manure which indicates somehow a plague. The system is preferred for its lower costs.


This system is ideal for faster fermentation. Usually used for cattle, meat chicken and domestic waste oriented manures processing. According to their capacity theri dimensions are between 4500 - 7000 mm diameter, 5000 - 7000 mm height and 3 or 4 layers. According to the phases inputs to the system hot air between 35 - 70 celsiu for fermentation.

The hot air fulfiiled the necessary temperature and oxygen for fermentation of microorganisms. Vertical Oven's design is compleyelt made by us and there is a shocking part in the oven itself. First using this oven in our country (Turkey) for drying egg chicken manure. But in that experiment, the manure is dried too much, and fermentation process has many problems and inefficient.

The vertical ovens design is reprojected and redesigned for solving this problems at the project made by us in 1999.In this system there must be minimum 2 vertical oven with 2 boiler and 2 Blower, a 5 tons of fuel tank, 6 conveyor band and 1 Screeninig machine. The machine is designed for implementing automotion system.


This system is suitable for egg chicken manure, bat manure and for natural materials (like leonardite etc.) drying process.

There are many horizontal ovens with similar specifications on mthe market but; If the project's and design's of this machines has some mistakes, production costs increased double times at least.

The horizontal drying oven which completely desgined by us has %40-%50 more cheaper than other ovens. Its dimensions variable and according to their capacity from 1,600 mm diameter, 11,000 mm lenght, to 3,000 mm diameter and 20,000 mm lenght. It has very special isolation system. The machine is designed for implementing automotion system.